Like our day school, students work on fundamentals through metronome-based exercises. The goal is to build a rock-solid foundation in academics and social skills.
To maximize improvement, we require a minimum of three days of attendance per week. Half an hour of homework help, if necessary, is included.
3-5 Clinic with TK Therapies:
Monday – Friday 3PM – 5PM
ABA, Tutoring, Brain Training, and Social Skills Training.
Teacher-Student is ratio 1:3, 1:2 or 1:1 (based on student’s individual needs) This is a ‘client -based’ program. For those who are not part of TK Academy Day school, a full admissions and acceptance process is required.
Please refer to the Parent-Student Handbook under RESOURCES for more detailed information and Admission requirements.
True Knight currently does not offer Speech, Occupational, and Physical Therapies. Your personal Therapists or one from our recommended list may come in during the school day or during the 3-5 clinic.